Constam Steel Cut & Bend is one of the top providers of services and materials for civil and infrastructure construction in Romania.
The technical advice services offered by the company’s specialists give customers and partners the opportunity to optimize their steel consumption, to streamline their costs and to carefully plan their work on site to meet the contractual deadlines.
Constam Steel Cut & Bend offers more than high quality shaped concrete steel. The company is a competent partner in the development of new, customized and efficient solutions for its partners and customers in the field of infrastructure and civil constructions. The goal of Constam Steel Cut & Bend is to constantly improve and innovate the services and products offered in order to offer its customers safety, efficiency and performance in the construction works. From planning to processing and delivery, Constam Steel Cut & Bend is a reliable partner, specialized in shaping concrete steel, the production of welded casings for drilled piles, molded walls, pre-assembled three-dimensional structures, the distribution of welded nets, wires and construction accessories, couplings Lenton mechanics, construction site tools.
Echipamente automate de procesare a oțelului beton, din colaci (ø 6-16mm) și bare (ø 8-40 mm)
Capacitate de producție instalată: aprox. 2.000 tone/lună
Carcase sudate din oțel beton pentru armarea piloților.
Capacitate de producție instalată: cea mai mare din România, peste 1.000 tone/lună.
Structuri spațiale preasamblate pentru armare fundații și grinzi, stâlpi.
Capacitate de producție: 200 – 300 tone/lună.
Comercializare: plase sudate, SMN, cuple mecanice LENTON, distanțieri, scule de șantier
Aleea Industriilor nr 5, Buzău
+40 238 716 788
J10 / 276 / 2015
RO 34318948
RO20 RZBR 0000 0600 1813 1370
Raiffeisen Bank